National Yearbook Project

Alaska Yearbook Project


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Yearbooks Wanted

Date: 2008-02-13
WANTED: 1974-1978 especially 78,  Palmer High School, Palmer, Alaska
I am helping with locating people for our 30th reunion and would love to have at least the 1978 volume, to help in the search. Not sure if the yearbook was just called "Palmer Moose", or not...long time ago and I forgot....please help me.
Name: Sherry Sylvestre Kennedy <[email protected]>

Date: 2008-01-09
WANTED: 1972, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska
Looking for 1972 yearbook, the year I graduated.
Name: Michael Arvey <[email protected]>

WANTED: 1969 - KAKNU Kenai Central High School Kenai, Alaska
Comments: I paid for my annual but married right after graduation and moved out of state. I never got it and I would dearly love to purchase one.
Linda Carr   [email protected]

WANTED:  2004  Service High School  Anchorage, Alaska
Comments: I had my yearbook but I lost all my belongings. If anyone has this yearbook and wants to sell please let me know. thank you.
Name: Amber Van Kirk Pearson [email protected]

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